
When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

That Friend From Childhood - 7.

7. Revelations, Admirers, Grudges and Friends.

" So..." I drawled, trying to break the uneasy silence surrounding the three of us.
" Shouldn't we like... open that?"

I indicated the envelope in Bree's tightly clutched fingers, and Dana nodded in agreement.

" I kinda did already..." she replied, somewhat uneasily.

" Then care to clue us in as well?" I asked. " Where did you find it by the way?"

" It was stuck to the outside of my locker."

" Well what does it say?"' Dana asked curiously.

" Well... the thing is..." Bree said in a confused voice. " It's actually addressed to you."

Dana blinked. I almost snorted. This was like a television soap in real life.

" Me?" she asked in surprise. " Why would anyone post a letter to me in your locker?"

" I have no clue?" Bree replied, then handed her the envelope. " Take a look yourself. It's freaking confusing as it is."

Dana wasted no time in opening the letter, and it went like this -

Dear Dana,

I think you've really blossomed this year and I'd like to get to know you more. I'm slightly afraid that you won't return my feelings, so I won't tell you who I am. But I ought to tell you, I know your friend's secret. And I won't hesitate to spill the beans if you don't do exactly as I say. By the way, you have a beautiful smile.

Your Secret Admirer.

 Dana blinked several times after reading the letter, her body frozen and her expression aghast.  
Couldn't blame her though. She had a crazed psychopathic girl out to ruin her life from grade school, a bitchy step-sister with sadist tendencies, and now a secret admirer from out of the blue. Tough life.
And that reminded me...

" Say Bree. What's the story between you and Charlotte?" I asked.

" Why do you want to know?"  Again the suspicious glance and the arched eyebrows. Human beings certainly didn't trust each other these days.

" Well I kinda already know you and my childhood friend here are getting screwed on a day-to-day basis, thanks to psycho Noel. But I wanted to know more about the step-sister angle as well. Plus, I have a feeling this little prank might entirely be our evil little step-ditz's idea."

" Wait. You are her childhood friend ? The childhood friend?" she gaped at me then at Dana, who was still too preoccupied with the love letter currently held in her hand. She did however nod in affirmation, and Bree looked at me with a new light in her eyes.

" She talks a lot about you. I kinda figured you both were in love or something." she grinned with the usual cheekiness. " But I gotta say, I kinda had you figured out for the macho type of guy..."

I mentally face-palmed myself. Typical ditz-head Bree. Multiple crises were threatening to ruin each of our lives, and all this girl could think of was a possible love angle and my physique.


" I can't figure this out." Dana said suddenly. " Charlotte is a problem child, that much I can tell you. But why would she do something like that? And what secret is she talking about?"

" She is probably getting back at me for the past.. our past." Bree replied, shivering involuntarily.
" I'm sorry Dana. I just don't know what to do."

" What is in your and Charlotte's past?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity. "Were you two like...?"

" Of course not!!" Bree almost shouted indignantly. "It was... a horrible, horrible prank. And we both were unwilling and unknowing victims of it."

Silence ensued again, and I swear I hated these moments of utter... nothingness.

" Let's just say, we were deceived into acting like something... and Charlotte got a bit too into character. So naturally she got hurt, and she blames me for it since that time."

" So you both were like what? Lovers of sorts?" I said in an incredulous voice.
" Who the hell would even think of something like that?"

" Well, you probably don't know this... but Charlotte is actually a lesbian." Dana told me in a surprisingly calm voice. " Bree obviously didn't know. Misunderstandings happened, and finally,"

Truth be told, I didn't really gawk at this new information. Charlotte had always seemed to me like an uptight bitch, especially around me and Bree. Now it all made sense, I guess?

Damn, this world was suddenly so twisted.

" So basically.... we have our own little reality soap opera now." I grumbled. " On one side, we have a crazed rich brat with a grudge out to ruin your lives, and on the other, we have a vengeful lesbian step-sister, again with a grudge, out to do the same. That about it?"

Both the girls stared at me forlornly, their faces looking extremely worn-out all of a sudden.

Okay, maybe I was being too oblivious to their plight here. They didn't deserve any of this. And yet they had no choice but to silently undergo this torture, every single day.

This wouldn't do now, would it?

" Ladies, look lively. I know it's been tough, but I assure you, starting tomorrow, we're gonna start setting things right. And all our wannabe antagonists, Noel, Charlotte and whoever else with them, are in for a real rough time. So, are you with me, or are you with me?"

Both of them blinked.

" Jeez Dana, you never told me he was..." Bree began, looking at me strangely.

" Weird?" I grinned. Finally, a worthy compliment.

" Well, something different altogether. You're like a whole new kind of weird."

" I concur." Dana joined in, but her voice was more pleasant and light.
" So, what do we do?"

" First of all... we get the fuck home." I said in an extremely serious voice. I was feeling very worn-out and hungry at the moment myself.
" Later, we'll plan things out in more detail. Adios, friends."

" Fine by me, I guess?" Bree replied, then set off on her way. " Later then Dana. And my dear Boyfriend."

I swear the cheekiness in this girl... it was gonna get her hurt one day. Very hurt.

" So... my knight-in-shining-armour," Dana now turned to me after her friend had left.
" Care to escort me home?"

 She grinned that long-lost childhood smile that I remembered so well, and I felt my mind flutter.
I had really missed that smile. Her as well. She reminded me of the best phase in my life after all.

" After you, my lady." I replied, offering her my arm, which she took in with a laugh.

I guess every cloud actually had a silver lining. Or maybe it was just an interlude to the storm about to come.

But right now, I wanted to enjoy this particular moment, kinda like I used to in the old days, the two of us walking home after school, hand-in-hand. Nothing amorous, just simple friendship.

This feeling was good. Now to make it last.


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